HOMESTAY!! Settimane e/o weekend lunghi. Moltissime attività. Sia per ragazzi -da 7 anni in su – che per adulti. Max 4 partecipanti a settimana. Let’s have some fun ! Pet Your English Danila


I actually feel grea!Nothing makes me happier as a teacher n person then ex students callling me to say they tried different teachers for whichever reason but really prefer me as their teacher!How cool 😎?


E almeno l inglese sapevatelo… altrimenti.. PET YOUR ENGLISH !!

Stress does matter

Stress does matters in English. : “huge METAL fan” vs “huge metal FAN” or “LIGHThouse keeping vs light HOUSEkeeping” or “ criminal Lawyer” vs “Criminal lawyer “…. or.. ADD YOURS